Sunday 2 June 2013


 I've been taking an interest in the Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women's Fight to demand for a National Public Inquiry.  

In March I attended the AFN National Forum on this in Edmonton, and I was so impacted by the stories, and the governments blind eye for the victims families. 

After the Conference was over, I drove home (about an hour south) and I cried all the way home, It was a heavy cry especially for not personally knowing any victims, and I just prayed for all those families of the missing and murdered 600 women. 

It was so hard to listen to sisters, moms, aunties, kokums of the Pickton victims. I just wanted to hug them all. I decided that I would not just sit back, and let this happen to more women and girls. Of those missing & murdered 600 women in Canada. 40 are from my Community. (Stats from the Ermineskin Womens Shelter) 

I am a volunteer coach for the Iskwesis Girls Program, and we have 40 girls and are growing every week, and I think of my girls, and how one day, they will be moving away from the Samson Community. I think of how much they mean to me, and how I can provide them with tools & education to keep them safe when that time comes, when they venture into the World. 

AFN National Chief Shawn Atleo & Reps from Ermineskin Womens Shelter & Samson Cree Nation

I have lots of teens who come every week, who help me with the little ones, who set an example for the little ones. I can't tell you how much this girls group has made me want to be a better person for them, to create the hope thats been lost. 

Last year, the day before I departed to Africa, I participated the Sisters in Spirit Walk for MMIW in Victoria, and I have chosen to support my Community Womens Shelter on June 26, where men will "walk a mile in her shoes" 

Mrs. Susan Aglukark & many other amazing keynotes were in the Samson Community discussing Violence against Women. I am glad these issues are finally being recognized by leadership at all levels. I certainly believe the crisis facing First Nations Women is a National Epidemic. 

Mrs. Aguklark & Myself 

For all the gatherings, I've been to where we discuss the crisis that face us as First Nations Women, most of the people in the audience have been Women. We need our men and our children to walk with us, on this path to healing, and to move forward, and show our children a life,where gender based violence is obsolete.

For more information on how you can create awareness, please visit the following websites: Please email me more links, if you have some to share as well :) 

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